We made it up the Ribble! Chris and Mary joined me on Monday morning and after a quick breakfast we set off down the Rufford locks with nb Dizzie Lizzie. A good run down these heavy but lovely locks to moor for lunch at Rufford. Drove up to collect the other car and set off again at 2.30 to use the sanny station before continuing on to the moorings after Tarleton swing bridge. Unfortunately no space for our 57' and we couldn't breast up as Ebony makes a good fuss about jumping between boats, especially at 5.30am (when she has to 'go' - poor girl has developed liver problems). Luckily everyone very kindly moved along and we were able to squeeze in.
Next morning we were waiting at Tarleton lock (Wigan told us 7.42am but lockie said 8.30 - hurray a lie in!). At 8.47 when the tide was right we left the lock with nb Gamesh. There were 3 boats to follow. Weather conditions were perfect - the mist had cleared and it was warm enough and hardly any wind. The Douglas was flowing well, against us, but we set off at a good speed, with Chris at the helm - he is the river expert! It was really lovely with low banks and lots of birds - including many Shelduck. As the Asland lamp came into view round a bend, the engine began overheating (as expected) - we throttled down to 2000 and kept at this speed the rest of the way.
An easy turn at the lamp and into the very wide Ribble. We were then going with the flow which was easing as the tide was on the point of turn. Still the journey went well but there was much less wildlife to see. As we got to near Savick Brook (it is so difficult to see the entrance as you approach) we could see a white car parked (was it BW we thought). I rang to get permission to go up the Brook and they said yes and it was them in the car - brilliant, much better than the small sign you cannot read until too late. Made a wide turn (now against the tide) and into Savick Brook, followed by Gamesh. We got to the pontoon at 11.14 where we had to wait for the lockies to close the sea lock behind us and at 11.20 we set off again. The tidal journey had taken 2h 20m which was what we hoped - but can take 4h! We learnt as we went into the first pound lock that the other 3 boats had to go to Preston dock as it had been such a low tide.
Nine locks later, all worked for us as we were the only boats, we arrived at the lovely basin at the top at 1.45. Time for lunch. As we sat eating Linda vaguely spotted a 'girl' and pushchair on the wooden bridge ahead. Then her phone rang - it was dau Lesley and baby Louise come to find us - what a wonderful surprise! We all set off to go south to see the terminus of the canal (we hadn't done that 5 years ago), then turned and Lesley went back to her car and we continued on for an hour to moor in the countryside - and relax! What a fantastic day we had had.
Home Mooring
5 days ago