On 12 October, having collected the car from Lancashire, I drove to Nantwich Basin to find Chris and Mary on board. After a visit to the chandlery (no LED lights on stock!) we set off for the Llangollen Canal at 4pm. Very few boats about and we had the Hurleston flight to ourselves. By 5.30 we were feeling rather cold and stopped in the countryside on SUCS visitor moorings.
Next day we worked Swanley locks and then called at the marina. When I passed nearly 5 years ago it was a muddy hole with pontoons on legs! Chatted regarding a possible repaint and blacking for November 2011 and then set off to moor in Wrenbury for a late lunch. After a walk round the village and exploring the church (open!) we decided to stay for the night as it was getting rather cold. Next day we continued on to Grindley Brook and went up the locks without a wait. Rather heavy handed volunteer lockkeeper who obviously didn't believe in opening paddles slowly for boats going 'uphill'! Moored in the Whitchurch Arm for lunch and then Chris and I walked into town to get a bus back to Nantwich and collected the cars. Left one at Ellesmere and returned to boat. Strange to think I had my first winter mooring in the arm in 2005. Stranger still to think my then neighbour has now taken her boat to the Isle of Wight!
Friday am we continued on to have lunch at Whixall Moss and then to Ellesmere. Had a good meal in the Black Lion. Must also try the new restaurant in the Old Town Hall!
Found that a few boats had already taken up winter moorings in the arm 2 weeks early - seem to be making a protest about BW delaying WM's until November! I stayed at the junction for the weekend and on Monday continued on to Tetchill - where I had a house between 1999 and 2009 - although it had been let from 2005 whilst I lived aboard. Chatted to a few neighbours and villagers as I walked thru the lovely village. Tuesday went on to Maestermyn to top up diesel - only to find they had stopped selling fuel 4 years ago. Turned in pretty strong wind, having to put the stern into the hole and let the wind do the work. Returned to Frankton Junction (just before the heavy rain came) where I was joined by friends on Maggie May, also residents of Tetchill! The next afternoon I returned to Tetchill where I stayed until Monday. Met so many ex-neighbours and dogwalkers that I knew - it was lovely to be back and pleased that I had decided to winter in the area. Also found that the house by the canal and next to the farm is about to come up for auction. It was owned by Alf, a lovely old chap who used to work for BW. He had often worked the ice boat across Chirk Aqueduct and had put lots of the iron piling along the length of the canal - he was full of canal stories and local history.
On Monday 25 October I returned to Ellesmere - it was buzzing with boats (half term) and it took a while to get a mooring not under trees! On Wednesday I went into the arm and took up my winter mooring place together with 3 boats who regularly winter there. I am really looking forward to the winter here as I know so many people in the locality, also it is such a wonderful area and Ellesmere a really great small town.
Home Mooring
5 days ago