At last I am able to update the blog - my mobile broadband is very poor here and the marina wifi is no good either, unless I stand outside. It appears there is too much steel in the way!
On Tuesday the paintshed doors were dramatically slid open and Kanbedun Again was slowly pulled out into the open air after 3 weeks - it was tear jerking. She then travelled the few hundred yards down the driveway to the marina. She looks absolutely beautiful in her new livery, all credit to the Willow Boatpainting/Vimart Signwriter team based at the marina. I cannot sing their praises more highly - I had felt quite daunted at the whole process but their kindness and expertise made it most enjoyable (and there were no extra shocks when I came to paying). I was also able to visit every day (there are always 2/3/4 people working every day of the week) to discuss and see the progress of what now seems like a new boat.
I am quite relieved that I can stay in the marina for the winter to allow the paint to harden before I set off in the Spring. Although it is not quite the same as a linear BW winter mooring, the other boaters are very friendly, as are the office team, so I am sure I will enjoy my time here.
Home Mooring
5 days ago