I am late again - this time almost a month has gone by since last post! On a very windy Monday 6 Sept I walked into Macclesfield for a first time look, then got a bus back - still waiting for bus pass to arrive with future crew! Tuesday went to Higher Poynton where I met up with Nick and Liz on Henry who are also waiting for the winter mooring website to materialise - we all have our doubts about how it is going to work! Went on thru Marple and stopped on outskirts, which I call the Marple View - and watched big rain cloud arrive and pass on without a drop landing on me! Continued on through the lovely and easy single-hander lift/swing bridges - Furness Vale was wet so they had the rain! Arrived Bugsworth Basin just before 5 and found only a handful of boats moored. Stayed for few days, one of which was wet (no surprise), but was able to do some local exploring. On the third day took the boat to Tesco's for a big stock up prior to next crew arriving and returned to Basin.
The next day, Sun 12 Sept, my friends Geoff and Linda (and also son's in-laws) arrived from Sussex. After a quick lunch and a tour of the basin, we set off on a lovely warm afternoon. As they could stay one less day than originally planned, we agreed to cruise longer each day to make it to Stoke. The first night was spent south of Marple between Br 7/8 and opposite a huge field of deer - lovely sight.
Next day we set off at 9.30 in dry, breezy weather but by the time we got to Macclesfield the heavens opened and Geoff and Linda took their lunch indoors while I stopped under a bridge to put wet gear on! Still raining at Gurnett Aqueduct but by the time we got to Bosley locks (4.25pm) it was lovely and sunny and we decided to go down while the weather was good (forecast bad this week!). Got to bottom at 5.20 and continued on (dinner soon in oven) to Congleton Aqueduct - they were very impressed with the view so the extra mileage was worth it!
Next morning passed Ron on Inkie and I who I had not seen for 4 years (Thames) after which it rained heavily, esp as we filled with water at Hall Green! Stopped for lunch at Red Bull Aqueduct just as rained stopped. Left in warm sunshine and at Harecastle had 20m wait and sped thru in 35 mins! It was still sunny on exit too! Continued on to moor at Etruria, opposite the statue of James Brindley. The next day we walked to the Moorcroft Pottery, caught a bus (used bus pass!!!) into Stoke. Had good lunch at Potteries Museum and then had a look round - very interesting and loads to see. Returned to boat to 'do' Flint Mill and Industrial Museum.
Thursday walked with Linda and Geoff to railway station and then after q lunch went shopping in town and then to a very strange warehouse-style Tesco (soon to be replaced by new one opp Potteries Museum) - got taxi back to boat!
Friday prepared boat for next crew. Son Steven, Julia and Lauren (5) arrived from Devon for tea at 6pm. The next day they wanted to see the town (understood my reluctance when they saw it) and then we went to the Emma Bridgewater factory which was lovely (esp coffee and cake!) Back to boat, made lunch and Steve helped us down 2 locks then took car to station car park and cycled back along towpath to meet us - we were at the 5th lock by then! Soon eating lunch on the sunny back deck. Started raining at 3.30 just as we were approaching Barlaston to moor and caused a fisherman to make a large catch - he thanked us!!!
Sunday we went on to Stone, mooring above Star Lock. Steve went to collect car and joined us for a pub lunch. After that they drove home - how time flies!
Monday, after quick shop, I went just 3 miles and 2 locks to chill in the countryside at Br 86, opp a huge attractive Tudor-style house. Walked into the lovely village of Burston, where many cottages are lined up along the large village pond.
Tuesday went on to Ingestre (4m, 2locks!), passing fellow Cutwebber Mike on Draco. Here I walked up long tree-lined track to Ingrestre Hall - passing converted farm buildings, huge 'new' stables, converted 'old' stables, church, to the Hall itself, now an arts college and sadly not open to the public, despite having lovely gardens (hidden by wall!). That was a lovely day - sunny wark, no wind - is this the Indian summer starting - ha ha!
Wednesday went to Great Haywood, stopping for farm shop (food and roof pansies) and water etc. Turned into Staff and Worc and went on to moor at Tixall Wide - my first TIXALL FIX for 4 years - how I love this place! Now for a few days of maintenance - really need to do some painting!! Th - heavy rain o/n. Friday overcast and windy so painted in am and went to Shugborough Hall in pm - did gardens, tour of house, tea and cake and then walked up to restored walled veg garden - looking good now. Bought some vegs! Eve really cold so lit fire - never before in Sept! Saturday - lt frost am, then sun - more painting. Late pm and sun behind trees - moved above Tixall Lock to make the most of the weather - and much better TV pic!
Sunday to Acton Trussell, had a good walk around pleasant village. Monday Penkridge - above lock as dredging being carried out below. Two lots of shopping. Met Dawn and David on Grapevine and the next morning as I set off met the Farmers on Leo and then Alan on Carolan - all IWA committee members heading for Tixall. Went on to moor s of Long Molls Bridge nr Hatherton Marina. Lots of boats here and within an hour I was joined by old friends from my former village - Roger and Mirianna on Maggie May. Enjoyed a couple of days in their company, sitting out the pouring Wednesday rain.
Thursday - passed only 3 boats on S&W and 2 were in the dreaded narrows! - always disliked these since I met a boater who had a sprung mattress trapped on his prop! Went on to Brewood, to moor opp boatyard and near Maggie May and also Gary and Beryl on The Answer who I had first met at Braunston in 2008 when they had just moved onto their boat. That evening went with Roger and Mirianna to an Acoustic Evening at the Cricket Club. Lots of locals performed but the best of all was when R&M sang and played their melodians, what talent and def the best act of the evening - at least until I had to leave to make sure the dog hadn't wrecked the boat!
The Shroppie is definitely the most busy canal I have met all year! Friday it poured all day so stayed in - the worst rain was as I took the dog out - and she hid under a bush and wouldn't come out!
Saturday cruised to Wheaton Aston - stocked up with diesel (56.9p) - and there is a new solid mooring - then on to Norbury Junction - where I met Andy and Liz on Snowgoose (also seen them this year on Lancaster and Bridgewater!). Today it is going to rain most of the day so I can catch up with the blog - I know, almost a month late - but I have been busy!! Tomorrow I hope to book my winter mooring - fingers crossed it goes to plan!
Home Mooring
6 days ago
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