Thursday 29 June
Very windy today with occasional light showers. Set off for Hopwas. Moored to the north of the village and walked to see the 'mooring suspended' signs which I found all the way from School Bridge to Dixon's Bridge - with British Waterway logo. Typical of BW to not know who placed them! Booked a table at the Tame Otter.
Friday 30 June and my birthday - rain forecast for pm
At 10am watched the Olympic Flame and Procession cross the canal bridge - very exciting - it passed right by me. At 12.15 daughter Lesley arrived from Lancashire (she had left her 2 little girls with husband). After I opened my cards and presents from family, we walked to the Tame Otter. Sat outside to have drink and order food - but could see huge black cloud coming - rain forecast for 1pm. As first large spots fell, we went inside, leaving Ebony tied under the table where we could keep an eye on her - she gets very stressed when left alone (separation anxiety!) Had a lovely, leisurely meal - the first time we have chatted together, child-free, for ages. The menu here is really great - a really interesting and different selection.
Following our meal we walked back to the boat and after a cup of tea Lesley left at 4 to return to her family - a 2 hour drive - thank you Lesley, it was lovely to see you. We meet again at Caitlin's Thanksgiving in July - a big family get together. Later had a phone call from Kent - dau-in-law Becky and 3 grandchildren sang Happy Birthday - had lots of chats with all. Later I watched a very thrilling Wimbledon match!
Sunday 1 July
Quite windy but the forecast rain never materialised.
I cruised to Bonehill Road Bridge, cycled to the retail park - so handy, then after a quick lunch moved on to moor opposite Peel's Wharf at Fazeley.
Monday 2 July
Got bus into Tamworth for a bit more shopping - rain started as soon as I arrived and never stopped. Failed in my bid to find a silver serviette ring for Caitlin's Thanksgiving present - wasn't this difficult for my other grandchildren's rings. Castle closed so returned to boat. Later a friend (Maisie) moored next to me and we took our dogs for a walk together along the canal.
Tuesday 3 July - dry am but light showers pm
Said goodbye to Maisie, and at 11am Chris and Mary arrived after celebrating his birthday yesterday on the Severn Valley Railway. They brought with them my roof planter which Chris had repaired for me, as well as a new bottom for my pin box which he fitted. After an early lunch we set off in their car for Tamworth Castle - a very interesting place and which Chris' relative Thomas Cooke had rented many years ago - for his wife and 10 children! They lived their many years and they even had a mention in the information. That evening we drove back to the Tame Otter at Hopwas (pubs in Fazeley rubbish) and had a delicious meal to celebrate both Chris and my birthdays.
Wednesday 4 July - a lovely sunny and dry day
We drove to the Moat House at Acton Trussell to retrieve my car and then all drove to Chris' Mum's house in B'ham where it will stay for the rest of the summer. After lunch Mary drove me back to the boat. At 3.30 I set off to go up 2 Glascote locks and then went on to moor at 5.40 at Alvecote - opposite the Samuel Barlow pub - where the air reeked of stale chip fat - ugh!
Thursday 5 July
As it was supposed to be a dry day I set off to go thru Polesworth (never moored here yet!) and then on to work the 11 Atherstone locks. Found a queue of 5 boats and the bottom lock had only paddle working so I had a wait of 1 1/2 hours before I could get into 1st lock. Time for coffee and lots of chatting with other boaters. Boats in front and behind were families who had teenage scouts on board so I had plenty of help at first lock! Good trip up in the sunshine with help from the lad behind who usually arrived to shut gate behind me. Passed a few of the boats who stopped for lunch after 6th lock but I continued on to top, having packed my lunch ready! I never moor in Atherstone (I have had bricks thrown on boat from roof of mill building! and others have had problems) so continued on 1 more mile to a lovely open country mooring - but with large puddles on towpath.
This week I have passed 3 boats that once belonged to friends - Wendy's nb Seranade on moorings nr Wolseley Bridge, and today - Tim and Cathy's My Lady and then Penny's Pennylock moored at Bradley Green.
Friday 6 July - stayed put as rained heavily all day - and the towpath was a stream and unwalkable
Saturday 7 July - dry again!
Tempted to stop at Hartshill but decided to make the most of the weather. Stopped at Boot Wharf, Nuneaton for cheap diesel (85p/138p - you decide on %) then moored up for a walk into town. Very busy as market day. No luck at jewellers but quick trip into Co-op then back to boat for lunch. Nuneaton is one of those places I never moor overnight - but I think it might be OK nr Boot Wharf (lots of boats were moored here). Set off again through the grim outskirts of Nuneaton, then a mile of countryside before the entrance to the Ashby (would have liked to go up to moor, but long way to winding hole). Continued on through grim Bedworth, past the amusing Charity Dock boat yard - what a mess! Decided not to moor before Sutton Stop (big mistake!) and turned onto the Coventry and through the stop lock. There was a mooring here - but a very sickening smell of diesel? in the hedge beside - so continued on 2 1/2 miles to Ansty - alas no moorings free (that is why there was a boat moored by motorway!). Another 3 miles on I found the first decent mooring - opposite LTM's before Br 26. Only problem - the ground is so soft that pins were pulled by every passing boat - still it is 6pm. Few boats passed and I was out with hammer - one even passed at midnight - slowly!
Sunday 8 July - windy, cool but dry!
Set off at 9 - stopping at Stretton to look at Rose Narrowboats chandlery. Alas the new owners do not have it stocked to its once excellent range - now I reckon that Nantwich Canal Centre has the best supply of chandlery on the canals. Moved on to moor with others at the Easenhall Lane ringed moorings - good TV picture - Wimbledon's Men's Final's this pm! Walked into Brinklow - it is a lovely village, with small shop, decent pubs, fish and chips and Chinese.
Also have a doctor's surgery - I have an insect bite that seems to have turned into an infection - may need to see a doctor if doesn't improve! Spent afternoon glued to TV - we had more rain than Wimbledon.
Monday 9 July - sunny start, then clould with some blue
Set off at 9.40 to go into Rugby, mooring near Tesco's. Needed some wood for planter base infil - which I then carried round Tesco's - I only needed a few things! Lunch on board then travelled on to Hillmorton. Filled 3/4 water - then saw a boat leaving lock so made a quick move! Easy run up locks as very quiet, then moored in sun just before the next bridge on 14day moorings - pretty busy. Also passed Nick Wolfe on his working boat Aldgate - now looking very smart after a repaint.
Tuesday 10 July after ringing a few doctors managed to get an appointment - have an infected insect bite - now turned into an abscess. Got bus into Rugby and saw doc - prescribed antibiotics but is doing a test - just in case - so have to hang around in the area for a few days. Luckily I have a week in hand - as I travelled more on sunny days or through grotty areas I have actually gained time!
Thursday 12 July - lovely and sunny until 5.30
Getting to know all the dog walkers as well as the volunteer lock keepers who helped me down and up today when I did lots of washing and topped up water!
Home Mooring
6 days ago
Hi Linda, passed you yesterday, moored at the top of Hillmorton. Gave you a beep, but no sign of you even though your bow doors were open. Thanks for your comment re-Cassie - much appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your trip.Keep in touch.
ReplyDeletePip & Roger