On Sunday 26 June Chris, Mary and I met at the Stanley Arms, where we were joined by Chris' sister Caroline and husband Dave for lunch - on a very hot day! 10am next morning C, M and I went down in the lift - great, but very strange as the caisson jumps its way down the first half!
First we went to Northwich to do a quick food shop, returned to Anderton for lunch then cruised past the lovely Barnton Cut moorings (perfect height, some shade and not too sloping grass) - but too early to stop. Through Saltersford lock (the lock keepers are all very friendly and helpful), under Acton Swing Bridge (so big we can get under these swing bridges!), on through Dutton Lock and 2+ miles on we found Devil's Garden (thanks for the suggestion Iain and Myra). Here is a large field and easy moorings (mind the big holes tho) - great for BBQ's.
Tuesday we continued on, past Frodsham Cut, past Sutton Weir where the river leaves us on the navigation, under Sutton Swing Bridge, then M56 (how many times have I driven over this bridge!) Soon we came to 2 miles of chemical works - at night from the M56 this looks like a wonderful illuminated space station - quite different by day! We passed Marsh Lock, glimpsing the Manchester Ship Canal (MSC) through a gap in wall, and went on to turn at the last chance just before the abandoned Weston and Runcorn Canal entrance. Returned to Marsh Lock, moored up and found ourselves at the junction of the MSC and the now very large River Weaver. We stopped at Sutton Bridge and walked into Frodsham (later finding that there was a bus stop on the other side of the bridge). What a lovely town, wonderful old buildings lining the High Street. Got the bus back!
After quick lunch we continued on to moor below Dutton locks (there are often 1 or 2 moorings below locks, which you can use after hours). In the morning we were held up by a faulty lock gate - but learnt a lot about the changes to the river from a really enthusiastic lockie. Soon on our way and we returned to Northwich to find no free moorings but continued on to moor above Hunts Lock. From here we had a short walk to Weaver Hall, the old workhouse and now museum for the area, salt production etc - all extremely interesting. We continued on to moor on the pontoon below Vale Royal locks for the night - a lovely area.
Next day was my birthday and Mary cooked breakfast - eggs of course! As we went through Vale Royal lock we told the lockie that we were going to the Red Lion moorings and eating out that night. He said little about the pub but offered to collect us to take us to Northwich for a meal if we preferred! The stretch from the locks to almost Winsford is most attractive. The 1 1/2 moorings at the Red Lion were pretty high and Ebony was not happy about being hoisted up! We walked uphill to Winsford - well all we can say is that it is nowhere as attractive as you would think. A quick shop at Asda for birthday buns, return to boat for coffee and cake in sun. Made the decision to a) attempt to get to the flash and b) return to Vale Royal lock.
Passed the sign warning us we were now leaving the limit of BW's jurisdiction. Slowly wove our way past friendly fishermen and found ourselves on the enormous flash - how fantastic and beautiful. Turned very carefully beside the few moored boats by the caravan site (assume they are long term moorings) hovered a while longer and then returned to moor on the pontoon above Vale Royal lock. There are good moorings before this but the towpath is being renovated and dumper trucks charge up and down during the day. Mary and I walked into Davenham - found the excellent pub recommended to us by another lockie but decided we didn't want to do the 3m round trip again. Mary insisted on later cycling in to get a Chinese for my birthday tea!
Friday we went thru lock at 8.30, had breakfast on pontoon below, then set off for Northwich. Moored on the ex-trip boat mooring and went to look at some historic sights incl BW offices. After lunch we walked to find the house Chris' mother had lived in nearly 70 years ago. Very enthusiastic owners researching the house history invited us for tea and a tour of the house! 2 hours later they even drove Chris to Anderton to get his car out of marina secure car park! After a quick shop we cruised to Anderton. That evening we drove to Davenham to find The Bull pub and very popular restaurant - well worth the wait!
Saturday C&M left and I spent the day relaxing - v hot day. Now a lot of boats arriving on the river. Sunday I set off to go through Saltersford Lock at 10 and on to Acton Bridge moorings. It was an even hotter day and Ebony now happy to sit under umbrella. Later we walked to the canal, then back to an excellent farm shop between canal and river, sadly too late for tea.
Monday walked back to farm for milk, then set off for Anderton. Will go up lift a day earlier than planned - no shade at moorings and am now to go to son's in Devon to see his new house.
Monday night at Billinge Flash - longer day than usual. Tuesday am - joined ConsiderateBoater.com at 7am after seeing sticker in neighbour's boat. Set off early and stopped at offside Broken Cross BC moorings for comfort break and quick explore - then engine wouldn't start - horrible noise too.
Rang RCR and pushed boat to other side and bow hauled to moorings nearer bridge. Was passed by 4 boats, noone said a word. One went so fast that I complained. He replied that he doesn't slow down as noone else does - I pointed out that I wasn't moored - "I AM PULLING THE BOAT BECAUSE I HAVE BROKEN DOWN!" - nb 'Alma P' is not a considerate boater!
Very nice man from RCR walked a mile to find me, eventually disconnected my alternator(!) and after winding near his van, I returned to Orchard Marina to await repair. What a week!
Home Mooring
6 days ago
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