Had a great, if cold and snow covered, winter in Braunston with plenty of visits, plus Christmas and New Year, away with family and friends. After Easter and 2 birthdays in Lancashire, then a wedding and time with grandchildren in Sussex/Kent, I eventually set off from my winter mooring. My elderly (15 1/2) dog Ebony has quite a few health problems - she already had colitis, weak back legs (after tearing cruciate ligaments 6/7 years ago), Cushings Syndrome and in January had been diagnosed with a tumour on her spleen. I decided to have a chilling time on the Ashby - just 3 short cruise days away - and see how I felt about travelling this summer with/without a poorly dog.
Had a lovely time there - enjoying short cruises between moorings and exploring the villages near to the canal - Eb can't walk too far. Met up with friends and family in Shackerstone - in very windy weather. At the end, just beyond Snarestone, I spent a couple of days, washing and polishing 1 side of boat and walking a short way up the unrestored section. I got to Ilott Wharf - just a big flattened bend with no signs of buildings etc. After a rest for Ebony we walked, very slowly, back to the boat.
That afternoon I cruised back to Snarestone and in the morning took the bus to Measham. Very interesting - walked to find where the canal went under the High Street, then to the south found 3 bungalows and a school playing field on old route, and where it then enters countryside. Cut across to find the dismantled railway which is how the future canal will enter the town and passed old engine sheds (Harvey Boatbuilders installed - just waiting for the canal to arrive!). The old station is a very interesting small local museum plus a marvellous collection of Measham ware.
On way back stopped overnight to explore Market Bosworth again and then to have 48 hours at Sutton Cheney (entrance to Bosworth Battlefield). Here I was able to polish boat and have a walk along well worn paths to the very interesting battlefield visitor centre. Of course it is now known that the battle took place a short distance away!
At good moorings nr Stoke Golding I walked up the hill to Dadlington - a lovely village and a superb pub (Dog and Hedgehog) - I sat in lovely sunshine to enjoy a glass of wine and a huge bowl of mussels. Ebony enjoyed a good rest too! Then explored their nearby tiny church (where battlefield burials are thought to be) which happened to have a Flower Festival - what a treat! Next day I walked up to Stoke Golding - such a difference. A mostly uninteresting village where the small shop has finally closed - 8 years ago they had hardly any stock, mostly tins. The PO next door is still running.
Found that very windy weather was on its way so the next day I put in some travelling hours covering 20 miles and a long day, with a few stops for the dog! Eventually moored at Easenhall. Next day I went to Rugby and stayed there for 3 days in very strong winds. Managed to spend plenty of money in Tesco's, Homebase etc!
Now back in Braunston - on Monday Ebony had a Cushings test at the vets - to see if she should go back on tablets and am now watching boats travelling to Crick Show while awaiting the results. The vet did say she was surprised that Eb was still going, despite losing more weight and back legs weaker. But have decided that I will carry on - she may defy all and live for a few months yet - I will have vet's phone numbers along my route, to be prepared.
So once I get Eb's results I will set off slowly down the Grand Union - to the Thames, River Wey and on to Oxford.
Home Mooring
5 days ago
Hello Linda
ReplyDeleteNice to catch up on your news. We were at a car event last weekend near Hatton locks The stairway to heaven, I hope things stay stable for you and Ebony.
Love Peps & Sue x